Panda3D Python gives problems...

I bought a 3d printer recently:

The official printing program which comes with it, “Pronterface”, is written in Python.
When I click on the “Pronterface Solidoodle Edition 4.3” icon on the desktop, my Python editor is opened with a Python script.
So I went to the folder with the Python file and ran it with python.exe
This is the error message:

I’ve also installed pyserial-2.5.win32.exe and wxPython2.8-win32-unicode- which came with the program.

I’ve also asked this in their forum but haven’t gotten a reply. I’m hoping this is a general Python or Panda3D issue so I can finally run my printer program.

Try installing:

It is important that you install all modules into the python installation you are actually running, so your extensions should be installed to C:\Panda3D-1.8.1\python.

I am wondering they don’t ship their own python version … have you looked for that?

Ah, I remember Pronterface. It’s by Kliment, isn’t it? It’s a good piece of software, I’ve used it as well.

In his repository…

…the README states that running it from source requires the following packages:

Oddly, pywin32 (which provides “win32file”) isn’t in that list, which is probably because it seems to be an indirect dependency of pyserial. I would file a bug with the Solidoodle guys as tobspr suggests.

There are apparently also precompiled builds at:

The official printing program which comes with it, “Pronterface”, is written in Python.