
As you’ve noticed, there’s more to networking than just the how, but also the when, why conditions!

I have been working on a networking system for Python, aimed towards FPS games, though it is designed for authoritative networking in a general sense.

It’s currently written with BGE bindings, but I’ve been working to ensure that the core game libraries (built upon the lower networking library) can be used with only a few additional panda-specific features added.

There are potentially some bugs in MASTER, but most of the required code is now in place. A few aspects are currently undergoing refactor (like AI systems, which are primitive / stublike in places, and client input handling (which is a rather damaged part of the codebase, as I disabled it carelessly in order to test new changes.

However, those aspects are entirely optional as they are higher level, and you can always extend base types to re-implement such features.

It’s loosely based upon Unreal networking, check the WIKI for information.

Check it out here :slight_smile: