Nodes on Sketchup?

Thanks so much rdb! I began researching this issue again and stumbled onto this thread which I forgot I made. The collisions idea worked great, I added it manually into a simple new model of where I need to the collisions to be matched up with the “display” model. The only problem I am having now is that they’re “glitchy”. If you stand alongside side of them (side of avatar touching the collision) it will simply almost push you through, or kind of into a “limbo” area inside of the collision even though the walls are simply made up of 4/8 faces with no depth. Makes the model jump left and right, etc, and with only a little effort you can easily go out of bounds.

I also noticed the normal Toontown collisions let you back through if you disable collisions, walk outside of the normal area, re-enable collisions, and simply walk back through, but if you try to go back you won’t be able to respectively. However, it seems both sides of my faces have collisions, like if I were to go out of bounds I wouldn’t be able to simply walk back in without getting blocked and stuck outside. I wonder if this is a part of the problem?

Should this model be triangulated?

