active shutter 3d?

The manual talks about how to set up HMD binocular 3d and red-cyan glasses 3d, but I need Panda3D for an active shutter 3d project. In this setup the refresh rate is 120 and each eye only sees half of the time, one frame one eye is blocked and scene is rendered for the other eye and vise versa.
For this to work you need two cameras, as well as a way to send the eye index to the glasses via ir.
Both can be easily implemented but it might be more to it than having a boolean variable change its value and the camera offset its position each frame.
Also no idea how I would be sending the frame index to the glasses.
With my projector it has a DLP Link support and syncs with the glasses via ir light. My guess is 3d videos have some data which triggers the IR signal, but for realtime rendering in OpenGL not sure what needs to be done to tell the projector (or compatible display) that it should be in 3d mode and know the frame index.

Oops, I’d meant to reply to this much sooner, apologies.

I think this should generally be taken care of by the driver, assuming your driver supports 3D glasses under OpenGL. You do need to tell Panda to ask OpenGL for a 3D framebuffer, so that two surfaces will be created to render to rather than one. The driver should sort out all the gritty detail of operating the 3D glasses.

You don’t need to explicitly set up two cameras; Panda will automatically handle the stereo rendering setup if you assign an interocular distance to the lens, which is the distance between the two eyes. This needs to be consistent with your world units; if you use the convention that Panda units are metres, then it should probably be set to about 0.064 (64mm is about the average human interocular distance).

This should probably be enough in Config.prc:

framebuffer-stereo true
default-iod 0.064

If there is 3d monitor or projector connected running at 120Hz/fps, but your main monitor is 60Hz, what should you do? Tell Panda to render on second monitor? Will that work if their hz is different? And if yes, how to specify which monitor in a multi monitor situation to use by Panda?