problem with my actor coordinates

Well, I’ve been researching and I know how to fix the problem.

What I’m going to do is move each of the Joints manually indicating that I want to do it on its own coordinate axis using setH (Nodepatch, whatever).

My problem is that I need to know the initial rotation position and the current position of each joint and using GetH (Nodepatch) gives me 0 result, whatever it does gives me 0.

I have tried to go moving the Joint using SetH (nodepatch, nodepatch + 1), with this the Joint is moving correctly but I can not know in which position it is.

I’m doing it through a little bad technique and it’s with a counter, if I want to move the arm 90 degrees what I do is add +1 to a counter and if it reaches 90 I know I’ve moved the Joint 90 degrees, but it’s very Wrongly scheduled as well.

Does anyone know how to get the angle of rotation of a joint in its own coordinate system?

Thank you.