VC8 support in CVS, but no thirdparty libs?


I’m currently trying to recompile panda to enable threads (#define HAVE_THREADS 1), and in the course of this I got the head revision from CVS.

I was pleased to see that this version is geared towards compilation with VC8, since I would also prefer to build with VC8, rather than with VC7 (I have both…)

However, the thirdparty libs directory is missing. What is the status on VC8?

*) are pre-compiled versions of the thirdparty libs already lying around somewhere?
*) or do I need to compile them myself?

If help is needed to get Panda up and running on VC8, I could do some of the grunt work.


You can download the thirdparty files at the Downloads section here:
Scroll a bit down there, until you see:
Panda3D Source, Piecewise: 2 of 3
Third-party Tools (Your OS)

That’s the package you must have.

I managed to compile the last Panda CVS today with VC8 with some tweaking :

  • Change the “doc\doc” subdir to “doc”
  • Rename thirdparty\win-libs-vc7 to thirdparty\win-libs-vc8
  • Copy the CRT dlls of VC8 to thirdparty\win-libs-vc8\extras\bin (msvcrt.dll …)
  • Set manually my compiler version in (it was not found in the registry) : VC80CRTVERSION = “8.0.50608.0”
  • Download a working version of Freetype for windows here : and replace freetype in the thirdpary directory
  • Compile with makepanda --everything --no-fftw --no-dx8 --no-dx9

I had to do all this to prevent some fatal errors (missing files, wrong libs) andI didn’t manage to use nor fftw nor DX for some linkage issues that I can’t remember unfortunately (my google history talks about a linking problem with “__iob”).

Some samples seem to work with this fresh built Panda, but airblade fails with a very unpleasant ppython.exe fatal error that doesn’t tell anything about what’s wrong.

I may forget something, I spent the afternoon doing this at work while working in parallel on some brain fucking tasks. Hope this helps though.

I’m sorry, I was a bit unclear in my previous post.
I was looking for pre-built third party libraries for VC8. The ones in the package are for VC7.

As has been discussed on this forum already a few times, the third party libs must be recompiled, because MS changed the c runtime libs between VC7 and VC8 and thus one can’t mix libs from different compiler versions.

So: anyone has pre-built libs for VC8 around?



See my last post, I managed to compile almost everything in Panda by only renaming vc7 to vc8, keeping all the existing precompiled VC7 libs. If you take a look at the file, there’s somewhere written that now, panda uses VC8 under windows.

I’ve heard from Josh (who built all the thirdparty libs in the first place) that he has recently built them all for VC8. He hasn’t yet posted this version for download, so if you need to build Panda before then, you’ll have to make do with the hacked VC7 libs and whatever strange crashes you get along with that, or rebuild the thirdparty libs you require by yourself.
