Panda compiling issue and workaround (Windows)

Downloaded the entire source and I’m using script to compile.

I have Visual Studio 2005 and 2008 installed, but the installer seems to pick 2005, which is fine.

First, i get this error:
“Found VC Toolkit, but cannot locate MS Platform SDK”

I managed to fix this one myself by looking at the .py source, changing line 712 and 713 from:
“Install Dir”)
platsdk = “Q:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\PlatformSDK\”

I do not have the registry key Microsoft\MicrosoftSDK at all… Where does that key come from?

It does not seem come with visual studio or .net framework install.
Is it possible (far fetched idea) that Visual studio 2008 removed this entry?

Ps, with this fix I did manage to build it, but I just wanted to report this issue and workaround.

Just wanted to report that this “issue” is still present in 1.5.

To fix it now, it’s lines 717-718 in