Some transform errors...

Alright, but is it the same one that you use to get the local transform from, as in:

If not, then you should check that they have identical (local) transforms (specifically the same translation). In case they’re different, then the net transform will also be wrong, since this is just a multiplication of all the local transforms, starting at the root NodePath.

If that’s not it, perhaps it would be easiest if you could provide an egg file of the original hierarchy, converted from a bam file. So, when everything is ready to be animated, call writeBamFile(“hierarchy.bam”) on the root NodePath of your hierarchy and then type “bam2egg hierarchy.bam hierarchy.egg” in the command console to convert it to an egg file. Then I can check if/how it differs from the exported actor file in terms of transforms.

Well it looks like Panda already provides such a way to manipulate joints, by calling controlJoint on the Actor.