I Need Some Help With My Player Collision Script

Looking around the forum this issue is the one that deals with the problem I have though in my tests does not work.

To summarize them say that I have a game client / server I tested in the same PC and use Parallel to move to the player with the mouse only.

Try to eliminate the interval (Parallel) with the code I found here and put below but after a few consecutive clicking an error is generated in the interval:

    if self.playerMovement:
           self.playerMovement = None

After studying the classes and their methods to modify the code as follows:

    def mover(self,destino):

            # Rota y mueve al jugador
            self.destino = destino
            self.nodedestino = NodePath('destino')

            if self.moverjugador != None:
                if self.moverjugador.isPlaying():
                    manejador = self.moverjugador.getManager()
                    self.moverjugador = None

            duracion = self.actorNode.getDistance(self.nodedestino)/self.velocidad
            self.desplazamiento = self.actorNode.posInterval(duracion, self.destino)
            self.ajustaraltura = LerpFunc(self.altura, duration = duracion)
            self.animacion = ActorInterval(self.actor, 'correr', loop = 1, duration = duracion)
            self.moverjugador = Parallel(self.desplazamiento, self.ajustaraltura, self.animacion)

Sorry that the code is in Spanish but I am speaking hizpana and forgive my English.

With one client open takes time to make the error but with 3 or 4 gives fast:

Someone can help halt and eliminate Parallel intervals without generating an error? I have 2 weeks in this and I see no light.
