Character distance with object and picker class

hey… that’s funny enough to make me laugh.
ok, to see the whole thing clearly, try this :

  1. show() your new collision object
  2. showCollisions(render) the collision traverser
  3. create a new task to do these things :
    a. put the ray to follow the mouse
    b. traverse() the collision traverser
    c. print whatever the intonode

something like this :

        taskMgr.add(self.followMouse,'mouse chasing')

    def followMouse(self,t):
        if base.mouseWatcherNode.hasMouse():
           self.pickerRay.setFromLens(base.camNode, mpos.getX(),mpos.getY())
           if self.queue.getNumEntries() > 0:
              print self.queue.getEntry(0).getIntoNodePath()
        return Task.cont