Noob in need of help, jumping

Right, he’s moving in his parent node’s coordinate system. getPos() will return positions in that coordinate system as well. Any changes to that position will be with respect to that system.

I think what you want is something like getRelativePoint()

It works like this:

ralphPos = self.ralph.getParent().getRelativePoint(self.ralph, Point3(0,-1,1))
ralphPos2 = self.ralph.getParent().getRelativePoint(self.ralph, Point3(0,-2,0))

This transforms the points (0,-1,1) and (0,-2,0) from ralph’s space into his parent’s space. Now ralphPos and ralphPos2 are the correct points of the jump in ralph’s parent’s coordinate space. This transformation is necessary since posIntervals move ralph with respect to his parent’s space.