Menu & SubMenu in DirectOptionMenu=> how to?

Hello Guys,

After ages ago from any programming
(new job, new city, same wife, a kid coming soon…)
I’m trying to figure out how to make a DirectOptionMenu with SubMenu.
(ie a MenuItem which is itself a menu).

[b]From what i understand right now=> It is no built-in in Panda.

Can someone confirm?[/b]

If it’s not buil-in i’m thinking about doing the following.

  • for SubMenu Item, passing a Menu as optional arg when creating the
    Master Menu
  • the function itemSel (callback from selection)
    would then spawn the Menu passed in Argument at the same location than the SubMenu Item (a little on the right side maybe)

Is it possible to force the Item selected from code ?
(like the initialItemOptions but later on)