Recording Movement & Animation For Playback

This is what the original intention of the RecorderController, but it’s long-untouched code, and probably crufty and manky.

If you were so bold as to want to try it, you might simply put:
record-session foo.bam

in your Config.prc. Then, to play it back, you would put:
playback-session foo.bam

instead. But these assume that all of your inputs will be through the standard trackball or drive interface; few people use these interfaces for anything more than a simple demo. If you have your own interfaces, you may need to hook them into the controller yourself.

You can look at the code to see what it is doing in response to the above config variables. Then you can look at the C++ code in panda/src/recorder to get an idea of how to use it. More than that, I can’t really give you. Good luck. :slight_smile:
