Doubt about timers

I solved this with this solution. If anyone wants, here it is.
Thanks for all for the replies

import direct.directbase.DirectStart
import time
from direct.showbase import DirectObject
from direct.gui.DirectGui import *
from pandac.PandaModules import *
from direct.task import Task
from direct.interval.FunctionInterval import Wait

class Timer(DirectObject.DirectObject):
   def __init__(self):
      self.timeVal = 0
      self.Text = DirectLabel()
      self.Text['text']       = "Alex"
      self.Text['text_fg']    = (1,1,1,1)
      self.Text['text_scale'] = (0.07, 0.07)
      self.Text['text_pos']   = (1.27, -0.57, 0.0)
      self.Text['text_font']  = self.TimerFont = self.CreateTimerFont()
   def CreateTimerFont(self):
       return loader.loadFont('FABIAN.TTF')
   def SetTimerValue(self, timeVal):
      self.timeVal = timeVal
   def StartTimer(self):
      self.theTime = time.time()
      taskMgr.add(self.DecreaseTimer, "DecreaseTimer")
   def DecreaseTimer(self, task):
      timer = time.time()
      if(int(self.theTime + 0.6) < int(timer)):
         self.theTime = time.time()
         timeMin = str(int(self.timeVal/60))
         timeSec = str(int(self.timeVal % 60))
         if(len(str(timeMin)) < 2): timeMin = str('0' + timeMin)
         if(len(str(timeSec)) < 2): timeSec = str('0' + timeSec)
         self.Text['text'] = str(timeMin+':'+timeSec)
         self.timeVal -= 1
      if(self.timeVal <= -2):
         self.Text['text'] = '00:00'
         return Task.done
      return Task.cont