[SOLVED]Egg Creation>Joint in tables>Local or World?

Lol i’ve found back the post where i asked exactly the same questions for 3 years ago for another assigment :frowning:((

So the answers are :

a)the transformation matrix to be specified for a joint in tables of an egg file is relative to the parent node only

b)Joints are defined using a local transform, vertices are defined in an egg file using global coordinates

Other pieces of information are:
c)the net transform of each node is derived by pre multiplying the parent’s net transform with the node’s local transform.

That is, Mn = Mn-1Mn-2…M0, where M0 is the root transform.

d)transform matrices in Panda are represented row-major
(which does reverse the meaning of premultiply and postmultiply from a column-major representation)

e)The tables hierarchy should exactly match the skeleton hierarchy.