The Ghost Player

I know what you mean, but I am aiming at a higher frame rate for what I am currently doing because I know for a fact that when I actually implement the code the FPS will drop like mad. Supposedly the one who did the tests assured me that anything about 90+ at this point would make 60 when it was used… Another test showed that 150 was the maximum that should be used. Anything above that would, as you said, cause tearing. Latency is actually what they are working to prevent. I don’t argue much with what the networking guys say as I don’t have the experience or background needed to determine if what they say is true or not. However, everything turns out good in the end, so I leave them to what they do… :laughing:

Thank you very much for responding, and I’m glad to say that the FPS hasn’t really changed much, although it did drop to 95-110. Odds are this is due to the “dynamic sun” that I’ve created for this demo.