Strange dependency problem on compiled deb in Debian Jessie

If it could help you, these are the steps I use to build panda from git in debian (wheezy/jessie) and ubuntu (trusty):

  • Get source package:
$ git clone
  • install dependencies from distribution (for panda with bullet and librocket):
$ sudo apt-get install pkg-config libeigen3-dev libswscale-dev \
    libfreetype6-dev libgl1-mesa-dev nvidia-cg-dev libode-dev libopenal-dev \
    libopencv-dev libvorbis-dev libssl-dev python-dev libxxf86dga-dev \
    build-essential git autoconf automake libtool checkinstall gnulib gdebi \
    libglu1-mesa-dev freeglut3-dev libx11-dev libxxf86vm-dev \
  • build with these commands:
 $ cd panda3d
 $ makepanda/ --verbose --everything \
 	--threads 2 --optimize 3 --installer --no-ffmpeg --no-fftw

-install the package:

$ sudo gdebi panda3d1.9_1.9.0_amd64.deb

NOTE: to integrate bullet and librocket you should install (before panda) the packages getting them from their git repos ( or, if you want, you could intall them from my custom git repos (where sources are the same as original ones and quite updated, and only build system is changed to my own based on autotools), following these instructions:

-install the ‘GNU Autoconf Archive’:

 $ git clone git://
 $ cd autoconf-archive
 $ ./
 $ ./configure --prefix=/usr
 $ make maintainer-all
 $ sudo make install

-install Bullet:

 $ git clone
 $ cd my_bullet3
 $ autoreconf -i -v
 $ mkdir build-release
 $ cd build-release
 $ ../configure --enable-demos
 $ make
 $ sudo make install
  • install libRocket:
 $ git clone
 $ cd my_librocket
 $ autoreconf -i -v
 $ mkdir build-release
 $ cd build-release
 $ ../configure --enable-python --enable-samples --enable-extra-samples
 $ make
 $ sudo make install
