Panda 1.9 from source: "no module named core"

Hmm… Not intentionally, and not as far as I’m aware.

This was, I believe, the command used to build the SDK:

python makepanda/ --everything --use-pandatool --no-ode --no-physx --no-speedtree --no-ffmpeg --no-fmodex --no-maya6 --no-maya65 --no-maya7 --no-maya8 --no-maya85 --no-maya2008 --no-maya2009 --no-maya2010 --no-maya2011 --no-maya2012 --no-maya2013 --no-maya2014 --no-max6 --no-max7 --no-max8 --no-max9 --no-max2009 --no-max2010 --no-max2011 --no-max2012 --no-max2013 --no-max2014 --no-vrpn --no-fftw --no-artoolkit --no-awesomium --no-carbon --no-cocoa --no-fcollada --verbose --installer

Doing so produced the following:


Checking that path, I see that the indicated file is present (as is expected), but is both empty and alone in its directory.

On the off-chance, I removed the SDK installation, rebuilt the installer, and reinstalled it, but the results were the same.


Ah, you’re right! I just double-checked the output produced once the build is complete, and I see that “PYTHON” is in the “Omit Pkg” list. Looking further up, I see that Python, as well as a few other packages, aren’t being found–presumably either lost or removed during the OS upgrade (along with several other things)–and are simply being skipped. I’ve been relying on outright error messages to inform me of any important lacks; it seems now that I should pay attention to this new list of missing packages as well.

Thank you for your help! :slight_smile: