Panda3D specifically for enthought canopy

Hello everyone,

I am a python newbie here, and I want to know how can i download, install Panda3D-1.8.1, and then use Enthought as the environment for python coding. I have downloaded Panda3D-1.8.1, but when I try to import modules in Enthought, I get the “no module name ______ exists” error. Can I get some help please as to where I should save the Panda3D-1.8.1 folder so that Enthought can see it. I’ve tried putting the Panda3D folder in the site-packages folder but Enthought still can’t read it.

Also, if you could be as specific/transparent as possible, so that any newbie could understand,I would appreciate it alot.

Thank you

What operating system are you using? Windows, Mac, Linux?

I am using a 64 bit windows 8.1 operating system

Just installed it. Bad news. Enthought canopy wont work with panda3d. It uses python virtual environments which panda3d is unable to work with (yet). I recommend using another IDE or editor. I personally use Pycharm community edition, others use pydev with eclipse, others use text editors like Sublime Text or Notepad*

If there is specific functionality you are looking for with canopy I can try and help you find a good replacement.

*Please don’t actually use notepad. It will only cause you pain.

I am currently using Enthought canopy for python programming,but I can switch if necessary. Does Panda3D work with Python IDLE?

Why is this? What’s preventing Panda3D from working with virtualenv?

rdb: I’m going based off of the reports of others in irc. If you would like I can test it.

Pan: On windows the panda3d sdk installs with its own python installation. I could not find a way to point canopy to a specific python install. You could try it creating a new canopy project, install panda3d to that virtual environment (a virt environment is a self contained python installation), and hope for the best.

IDLE, and any other editor which lets you select what python install to use, works just fine with panda3d.

I’ve just released vext.panda3d that lets you use panda3d in a virtualenv. Panda3d has to still be installed in the system python, but once it is you can just run:

$ pip install vext.panda3d

Vext works in Windows and Linux, but needs testing in OSX - should work™ though.
I haven’t tested panda3d very much, so let me know any problems at

Vext is a bit of a hack, in the longer term it’s best if libraries move off the Python C API* and onto CFFI - as well as performance benefits it has works on other python implementations like Pypy.

*I’m guessing that Panda3D uses the Python C API - I haven’t checked the code.

Note - vext is python2.x only at this point.

Ah, that’s pretty cool! Thanks!

Panda3D exposes native bindings via CPython’s C API for performance reasons (we used to use an FFI ages ago but it was too slow). I’m not sure how a FFI is supposed to be faster? I have significant doubts that it could be faster (but if you have numbers to refute it, I’d love to be proven wrong).

pennomi has done some great work on making a pip installable package for Panda3D. I’m hoping that the next version of Panda3D will ship with a pip package option.

This work is now complete, and you can now type “pip install panda3d” to install Panda3D. This works in a virtualenv as well.