RFI:Precursors Flight Test

Actually, panda should be caching the bam files already. So either there’s a permission issue, and my bam cache isn’t writable, or this computer’s just that slow. I didn’t notice any warnings about the bam cache, and when I changed the models it too that much longer… so I think it really just is this laptop. I/O seems to kill it, and those models (even in bam) are big…

Those slow speeds only happen on this computer. So, when we package it up, it shouldn’t be an issue. We’re a long way from that, though.

laughs That’s what you get when you let a programmer attempt to model :wink:. No, the model is a placeholder. In fact, that entire application’s only a demo to let us test different control schemes; it’s not even the main app (which has a GUI, chat, networking, and such.) But, the flight demo was nice looking, so I thought I’d share.

Trust me, as soon as we can find a modeler, there will be much more impressive models. (The asteroids, believe it or not, took a few minutes in blender, and then a texture generator made the textures, with bump map. They look really good for being the same level of effort as the ship.)

Oh, we plan on that. As soon as we have things like docking with stations working, we’ll work up another little video. :slight_smile:

Thanks! I’m really happy with how things are coming along. :slight_smile: