Cozmik Ballz

Does the following work?

wp = WindowProperties() 
wp.setFullscreen( fullScreen ) wp )

Graphics. To be honest, graphics don’t look good now. You should choose a “graphic style” which is appealing. As instance, it is a 2D game, so you could propose pixel-art images (you can find a lot of tutorials about that). So, choice a graphic style that you like, read tutorials about that, and refine your graphics.

Audio. Audio is very important for this genre. You should carefully choice music and sfx, you can improve the current ones. There are sites which propose music and sfx you can freely use, spend some time to find nice music and sfx.

GUI. Your final GUI won’t just be those printings at the lower-right corner (or with that font), will it?

“Gameplay”. You should give more realistic feelings, now the control of the ship looks pretty artificial. For example, you could add some inertia to the ship.

Anyway, I don’t want to appear rude: there are a lot of positive aspects, I have just focused on what you could improve (which is the useful part to you :slight_smile: ).