Tesselated Terrain - Version 1.6 [with download]

Just checked - this error message appears on 1.8.1, but on 1.8.1 Cg works more or less, except issue with profile.

Also I tested last dev build on ATI and get the same result as Intel

And I think that I know why I get black screen - seems that some attributes (color, texture) not passed to the shader and all of my scene became solid black. But one strange thing - I apply shader to the single model, but seems that it affect to the whole scene.
For the test I used this simple shader, applied on the ‘smiley’ model:

void vshader(float4 vtx_position : POSITION,
             float4 vtx_color: COLOR,
             float2 vtx_texcoord0 : TEXCOORD0,
             out float2 l_texcoord0 : TEXCOORD0,
             out float4 l_position : POSITION,
             out float4 l_color0 : COLOR0,
             uniform float4x4 mat_modelproj)
  l_position=mul(mat_modelproj, vtx_position);
  l_texcoord0 = vtx_texcoord0;
void fshader(float4 l_color0 : COLOR0,
             in uniform sampler2D tex_0 : TEXUNIT0,
             in float2 l_texcoord0 : TEXCOORD0,
             out float4 o_color : COLOR)
  //o_color=float4(l_color0[1], l_color0[0], l_color0[2], l_color0[3]);
  o_color = tex2D(tex_0, l_texcoord0);

Result of the tests: (1.8.1 / dev)
o_color=float4(l_color0[1], l_color0[0], l_color0[2], l_color0[3]); -> White sphere / Black sphere and black square instead of FPS counter
o_color = tex2D(tex_0, l_texcoord0); -> Textured sphere / White sphere and black square instead of FPS counter
o_color=float4(1,0,0,1); -> Red sphere / Red sphere and red square instead of FPS counter