Screen Space Soft Shadows Sample


The case of a shadow occluded by geometry in front of it looks like it could be solved by adapting the blur width based on examining a small neighborhood in the depth buffer of the main camera.

The shader examining the depth buffer could then write a blur radius texture, which would be used as an auxiliary input to a variable-width blur shader.

Efficient variable-width blur is the trickiest part. The first thing that comes to mind is the tridiagonal heat equation solver in the depth-of-field filter by Kass et al. (, linked earlier in the thread on CommonFilters). But it is a bit complicated to implement. I might get around to it eventually, though :slight_smile:

Of course this is just an idea, obviously I haven’t tested it :slight_smile:

Nice soft edges. I think it looks pretty good.

A familiar feeling :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, good point :slight_smile: