Procedurally Generated Three Plane Coordinate Grid

First off, I’m pretty new to Panda, so hello!

Anyway, I needed a modeling-program style coordinate grid, so I whipped up a simple one using Panda’s LineSeg class to generate it. Then I sorta went a little crazy with it.

The result is a class called ThreeAxisGrid that procedurally generates a three axis, up to three plane, fully customizable and robust (so far), coordinate grid.

How it works is explained in the code. And, of course, if you have any trouble with it please let me know.

Also, I wasn’t sure if Panda had any kind of float-accepting range() function built in, so I included one in the class as a member method.

Hope somebody finds this useful! (Pic below, code follows pic)

from __future__ import division
import direct.directbase.DirectStart
from pandac.PandaModules import *
import sys,os

# Three Axis Coordinate Plane Grid Class (ThreeAxisGrid)
# Mathew Lloyd AKA 'Forklift', August 2008
# ''
#	The grid can be created with any number of axis planes in mind.
#	Simply set size values for the planes you wish to use. Sizes of
#	zero will be ignored. By default, you can create single and three
#	plane setups. Use plane visibility to disable any planes you don't
#	need to acheive a 2 plane setup.
#	To create a grid, first create an instance of this class. Then call
#	its 'create' method to create the grid based on the class member
#	variables. 'create' will return a NodePath instance that must be
#	parented to 'render' in order to acheive visibility. Once the grid
#	is created, its settings cannot be changed as the 'create' method
#	generates the geometry procedurally using Panda's LineSeg class.
#	 If another grid or a different grid is needed, create a new
#	instance of the ThreeAxisGrid class and setup as described above.
#	A 'refresh' method is planned for a future version. This method
#	would allow you to change a ThreeAxisGrid instance's settings,
#	then recreate the geometry without changing the
#	parentNodePath of the instance.
# ThreeAxisGrid class member variables are as follows:
#	'xsize' is the x axis length in units of the grid
#	'ysize' is the y axis length in units of the grid
#	'zsize' is the z axis lenght in units of the grid
#	'gridstep' is the spacing in units at which primary grid lines
#		will be drawn
#	'subdiv' is the number used to subdivide the main (gridstep based)
#		grid lines for drawing secondary grid lines example: if the
#		primary grid lines are drawn every 10 units, and subdivision
#		is set at 4, then secondary grid lines will be drawn
#		every 2.5 units
#	'XYPlaneShow' and so forth: used to disable a plane with the 
#		creation of 2 plane grids in mind. 1 is on, 0 is off.
#	'endCapLinesShow' is used to turn grid border edges on or off.
#		1 is on, 0 is off.
#	'xaxiscolor' and so forth: axis colors are defaulted to the
#		Maya standard axis colors
#	'gridcolor' is the RGB color of the primary grid lines,
#		defaulted to black
#	'subdivcolor' is the RGB color of the secondary grid lines,
#		defaulted to dark gray
#	'axisThickness' and so forth: sets the thickness of the
#		respective component's lines
#	'parentNode' and 'parentNodePath' are used to contain 
#		the three LineSeg instance nodes and paths

class ThreeAxisGrid:
	def __init__(self, xsize = 50, ysize = 50, zsize = 50,
		gridstep = 10, subdiv = 10):
		#Init passed variables
		self.XSize = xsize
		self.YSize = ysize
		self.ZSize = zsize
		self.gridStep = gridstep
		self.subdiv = subdiv
		#Init default variables
		#Plane and end cap line visibility (1 is show, 0 is hide)
		self.XYPlaneShow = 1
		self.XZPlaneShow = 1
		self.YZPlaneShow = 1
		self.endCapLinesShow = 1
		#Alpha variables for each plane
		#self.XYPlaneAlpha = 1
		#self.XZPlaneAlpha = 1
		#self.YZPlaneAlpha = 1
		#Colors (RGBA passed as a VBase4 object)
		self.XAxisColor = VBase4(1, 0, 0, 1)
		self.YAxisColor = VBase4(0, 1, 0, 1)
		self.ZAxisColor = VBase4(0, 0, 1, 1)
		self.gridColor = VBase4(0, 0, 0, 1)
		self.subdivColor = VBase4(.35, .35, .35, 1)
		#Line thicknesses (in pixels)
		self.axisThickness = 1
		self.gridThickness = 1
		self.subdivThickness = 1

		#Axis, grid, and subdiv lines must be seperate LineSeg 
		#objects in order to allow different thicknesses.
		#The parentNode groups them together for convenience.
		#All may be accessed individually if necessary.
		self.parentNode = None
		self.parentNodePath = None
		self.axisLinesNode = None
		self.axisLinesNodePath = None
		self.gridLinesNode = None
		self.gridLinesNodePath = None
		self.subdivLinesNode = None
		self.subdivLinesNodePath = None
		#Create line objects
		self.axisLines = LineSegs()
		self.gridLines = LineSegs()
		self.subdivLines = LineSegs()	

	def create(self):
		#Set line thicknesses
		if(self.XSize != 0):
			#Draw X axis line
			self.axisLines.moveTo(-(self.XSize), 0, 0)
			self.axisLines.drawTo(self.XSize, 0, 0)
		if(self.YSize != 0):
			#Draw Y axis line
			self.axisLines.moveTo(0, -(self.YSize), 0)
			self.axisLines.drawTo(0, self.YSize, 0)
		if(self.ZSize != 0):
			#Draw Z axis line
			self.axisLines.moveTo(0, 0, -(self.ZSize))
			self.axisLines.drawTo(0, 0, self.ZSize)
		#Check to see if primary grid lines should be drawn at all
		if(self.gridStep != 0):
			#Draw primary grid lines
			#Draw primary grid lines metering x axis if any x-length
			if(self.XSize != 0):

				if((self.YSize != 0) and (self.XYPlaneShow != 0)):
				#Draw y lines across x axis starting from center moving out
				#XY Plane
					for x in self.myfrange(0, self.XSize, self.gridStep):
						self.gridLines.moveTo(x, -(self.YSize), 0)
						self.gridLines.drawTo(x, self.YSize, 0)
						self.gridLines.moveTo(-x, -(self.YSize), 0)
						self.gridLines.drawTo(-x, self.YSize, 0)
					if(self.endCapLinesShow != 0):
						#Draw endcap lines
						self.gridLines.moveTo(self.XSize, -(self.YSize), 0)
						self.gridLines.drawTo(self.XSize, self.YSize, 0)
						self.gridLines.moveTo(-(self.XSize), -(self.YSize), 0)
						self.gridLines.drawTo(-(self.XSize), self.YSize, 0)
				if((self.ZSize != 0) and (self.XZPlaneShow != 0)):
				#Draw z lines across x axis starting from center moving out
				#XZ Plane
					for x in self.myfrange(0, self.XSize, self.gridStep):
						self.gridLines.moveTo(x, 0, -(self.ZSize))
						self.gridLines.drawTo(x, 0, self.ZSize)
						self.gridLines.moveTo(-x, 0, -(self.ZSize))
						self.gridLines.drawTo(-x, 0, self.ZSize)

					if(self.endCapLinesShow != 0):
						#Draw endcap lines
						self.gridLines.moveTo(self.XSize, 0, -(self.ZSize))
						self.gridLines.drawTo(self.XSize, 0, self.ZSize)
						self.gridLines.moveTo(-(self.XSize), 0, -(self.ZSize))
						self.gridLines.drawTo(-(self.XSize), 0, self.ZSize)
			#Draw primary grid lines metering y axis if any y-length
			if(self.YSize != 0):

				if((self.YSize != 0) and (self.XYPlaneShow != 0)):
				#Draw x lines across y axis
				#XY Plane
					for y in self.myfrange(0, self.YSize, self.gridStep):
						self.gridLines.moveTo(-(self.XSize), y, 0)
						self.gridLines.drawTo(self.XSize, y, 0)
						self.gridLines.moveTo(-(self.XSize), -y, 0)
						self.gridLines.drawTo(self.XSize, -y, 0)

					if(self.endCapLinesShow != 0):
						#Draw endcap lines
						self.gridLines.moveTo(-(self.XSize), self.YSize, 0)
						self.gridLines.drawTo(self.XSize, self.YSize, 0)
						self.gridLines.moveTo(-(self.XSize), -(self.YSize), 0)
						self.gridLines.drawTo(self.XSize, -(self.YSize), 0)
				if((self.ZSize != 0) and (self.YZPlaneShow != 0)):
				#Draw z lines across y axis
				#YZ Plane
					for y in self.myfrange(0, self.YSize, self.gridStep):
						self.gridLines.moveTo(0, y, -(self.ZSize))
						self.gridLines.drawTo(0, y, self.ZSize)
						self.gridLines.moveTo(0, -y, -(self.ZSize))
						self.gridLines.drawTo(0, -y, self.ZSize)

					if(self.endCapLinesShow != 0):
						#Draw endcap lines
						self.gridLines.moveTo(0, self.YSize, -(self.ZSize))
						self.gridLines.drawTo(0, self.YSize, self.ZSize)
						self.gridLines.moveTo(0, -(self.YSize), -(self.ZSize))
						self.gridLines.drawTo(0, -(self.YSize), self.ZSize)
			#Draw primary grid lines metering z axis if any z-length
			if(self.ZSize != 0):

				if((self.XSize != 0) and (self.XZPlaneShow != 0)):
				#Draw x lines across z axis
				#XZ Plane
					for z in self.myfrange(0, self.ZSize, self.gridStep):
						self.gridLines.moveTo(-(self.XSize), 0, z)
						self.gridLines.drawTo(self.XSize, 0, z)
						self.gridLines.moveTo(-(self.XSize), 0, -z)
						self.gridLines.drawTo(self.XSize, 0, -z)

					if(self.endCapLinesShow != 0):
						#Draw endcap lines
						self.gridLines.moveTo(-(self.XSize), 0, self.ZSize)
						self.gridLines.drawTo(self.XSize, 0, self.ZSize)
						self.gridLines.moveTo(-(self.XSize), 0, -(self.ZSize))
						self.gridLines.drawTo(self.XSize, 0, -(self.ZSize))
				if((self.YSize != 0) and (self.YZPlaneShow != 0)):
				#Draw y lines across z axis
				#YZ Plane
					for z in self.myfrange(0, self.ZSize, self.gridStep):
						self.gridLines.moveTo(0, -(self.YSize), z)
						self.gridLines.drawTo(0, self.YSize, z)
						self.gridLines.moveTo(0, -(self.YSize), -z)
						self.gridLines.drawTo(0, self.YSize, -z)

					if(self.endCapLinesShow != 0):
						#Draw endcap lines
						self.gridLines.moveTo(0, -(self.YSize), self.ZSize)
						self.gridLines.drawTo(0, self.YSize, self.ZSize)
						self.gridLines.moveTo(0, -(self.YSize), -(self.ZSize))
						self.gridLines.drawTo(0, self.YSize, -(self.ZSize))

		#Check to see if secondary grid lines should be drawn
		if(self.subdiv != 0):
			#Draw secondary grid lines
			if(self.XSize != 0):
				adjustedstep = self.gridStep / self.subdiv

				if((self.YSize != 0) and (self.XYPlaneShow != 0)):
				#Draw y lines across x axis starting from center moving out
					for x in self.myfrange(0, self.XSize, adjustedstep):
						self.subdivLines.moveTo(x, -(self.YSize), 0)
						self.subdivLines.drawTo(x, self.YSize, 0)
						self.subdivLines.moveTo(-x, -(self.YSize), 0)
						self.subdivLines.drawTo(-x, self.YSize, 0)
				if((self.ZSize != 0) and (self.XZPlaneShow != 0)):
				#Draw z lines across x axis starting from center moving out
					for x in self.myfrange(0, self.XSize, adjustedstep):
						self.subdivLines.moveTo(x, 0, -(self.ZSize))
						self.subdivLines.drawTo(x, 0, self.ZSize)
						self.subdivLines.moveTo(-x, 0, -(self.ZSize))
						self.subdivLines.drawTo(-x, 0, self.ZSize)
			if(self.YSize != 0):

				if((self.YSize != 0) and (self.XYPlaneShow != 0)):
				#Draw x lines across y axis
					for y in self.myfrange(0, self.YSize, adjustedstep):
						self.subdivLines.moveTo(-(self.XSize), y, 0)
						self.subdivLines.drawTo(self.XSize, y, 0)
						self.subdivLines.moveTo(-(self.XSize), -y, 0)
						self.subdivLines.drawTo(self.XSize, -y, 0)

				if((self.ZSize != 0) and (self.YZPlaneShow != 0)):
				#Draw z lines across y axis
					for y in self.myfrange(0, self.YSize, adjustedstep):
						self.subdivLines.moveTo(0, y, -(self.ZSize))
						self.subdivLines.drawTo(0, y, self.ZSize)
						self.subdivLines.moveTo(0, -y, -(self.ZSize))
						self.subdivLines.drawTo(0, -y, self.ZSize)
			if(self.ZSize != 0):

				if((self.XSize != 0) and (self.XZPlaneShow != 0)):
				#Draw x lines across z axis
					for z in self.myfrange(0, self.ZSize, adjustedstep):
						self.subdivLines.moveTo(-(self.XSize), 0, z)
						self.subdivLines.drawTo(self.XSize, 0, z)
						self.subdivLines.moveTo(-(self.XSize), 0, -z)
						self.subdivLines.drawTo(self.XSize, 0, -z)
				if((self.YSize != 0) and (self.YZPlaneShow != 0)):
				#Draw y lines across z axis
					for z in self.myfrange(0, self.ZSize, adjustedstep):
						self.subdivLines.moveTo(0, -(self.YSize), z)
						self.subdivLines.drawTo(0, self.YSize, z)
						self.subdivLines.moveTo(0, -(self.YSize), -z)
						self.subdivLines.drawTo(0, self.YSize, -z)
		#Create ThreeAxisGrid nodes and nodepaths
		#Create parent node and path
		self.parentNode = PandaNode('threeaxisgrid-parentnode')
		self.parentNodePath = NodePath(self.parentNode)
		#Create axis lines node and path, then reparent
		self.axisLinesNode = self.axisLines.create()
		self.axisLinesNodePath = NodePath(self.axisLinesNode)
		#Create grid lines node and path, then reparent
		self.gridLinesNode = self.gridLines.create()
		self.gridLinesNodePath = NodePath(self.gridLinesNode)
		#Create subdivision lines node and path then reparent
		self.subdivLinesNode = self.subdivLines.create()
		self.subdivLinesNodePath = NodePath(self.subdivLinesNode)
		return self.parentNodePath

	#Thanks to Edvard Majakari for this float-accepting range method
	def myfrange(self, start, stop=None, step=None):
		if stop is None:
			stop = float(start)
			start = 0.0
		if step is None:
			step = 1.0
		cur = float(start)
		while cur < stop:
			yield cur
			cur += step

grid = ThreeAxisGrid()
gridnodepath = grid.create()



Looks cool, thanks for sharing!

learned a lot from your code! This will help me so much thanks forklift!