c++ server and client code

This the c++ version of simple oo server client python code.
i know, code is not comment friendly and not fully tested, but may be still useful.


#ifndef _TCPCLIENT_H_
#define _TCPCLIENT_H_

#include "QueuedConnectionManager.h"
#include "QueuedConnectionListener.h"

#include "Datagram.h"
#include "DatagramIterator.h"

#include "genericAsyncTask.h"
#include "asyncTaskManager.h"

#include <list>

class clTCPClient
		std::string sHost;
		int  iPort;
		int  iTimeout;
		int  iFlags;
		QueuedConnectionManager  *pcManager;
		QueuedConnectionListener *pcListener;
		QueuedConnectionReader   *pcReader;
		ConnectionWriter		 *pcWriter;
		PT(Connection)			  pConnection;
		bool bConnected;

		clTCPClient(int flags = 0)
			iFlags = flags;

			pcManager  = new QueuedConnectionManager();
			pcListener = new QueuedConnectionListener(pcManager, 0);
			pcReader   = new QueuedConnectionReader(pcManager, 0);
			pcWriter   = new ConnectionWriter(pcManager,0);

			bConnected = false;

			//if (pcManager)
			//	delete pcManager;

		void fConnect     (std::string hostname, int port, int timeout)
			pConnection = pcManager->open_TCP_client_connection(hostname, port, timeout);

			if (pConnection)
				bConnected = true;

		bool fIsConnected (void)
			return bConnected;

		void fSendData    (char* data, int size)
			Datagram  myDatagram;
			pcWriter->send(myDatagram, pConnection);

		bool fGetData     (std::list<NetDatagram>* plist)
			bool ret = false;
			while (pcReader->data_available())
				NetDatagram datagram;	// catch the incoming data in this instance
				// Check the return value; if we were threaded, someone else could have
				// snagged this data before we did
				if (pcReader->get_data(datagram))
					ret = true;
			return ret;

		void fStartPolling (void)
			PT(AsyncTaskManager) taskMgr = AsyncTaskManager::get_global_ptr(); 
			PT(GenericAsyncTask) dtask = new GenericAsyncTask("serverDisconnectTask", &fTaskDisconnectPoll, (void*)this);

		static AsyncTask::DoneStatus	fTaskDisconnectPoll	(GenericAsyncTask* task, void* data)
			while(((clTCPClient*)data)->pcManager->reset_connection_available() == true)
				PT(Connection) connPointer;
				Connection* connection = connPointer.p();

				// Remove the connection we just found to be "reset" or "disconnected"

				((clTCPClient*)data)->bConnected = false;
			// Tell the task manager to continue this task the next frame.
			return AsyncTask::DS_cont;



#ifndef _TCPSERVER_H_
#define _TCPSERVER_H_

#include "QueuedConnectionManager.h"
#include "QueuedConnectionListener.h"

#include "Datagram.h"
#include "DatagramIterator.h"

#include "genericAsyncTask.h"
#include "asyncTaskManager.h"

#include <list>

class clTCPServer
		QueuedConnectionManager  *pcManager;
		QueuedConnectionListener *pcListener;
		QueuedConnectionReader	 *pcReader;
		ConnectionWriter		 *pcWriter;
		list<PT(Connection)>	  lActiveConnections;

		int  iPort;
		int  iBackLog;
		int  iFlags;

		clTCPServer(int flags = 0)
				iPort	 = 0;
				iBackLog = 0;
				iFlags	 = flags;

				pcManager  = new QueuedConnectionManager();
				pcListener = new QueuedConnectionListener(pcManager, 0);
				pcReader   = new QueuedConnectionReader(pcManager, 0);
				pcWriter   = new ConnectionWriter(pcManager,0);
				lActiveConnections.clear(); // We'll want to keep track of these later

			//if (pcManager)
			//	delete pcManager;

		void fConnect		(int port, int backlog = 1000)
			PT(Connection) tcpSocket = pcManager->open_TCP_server_rendezvous(port, backlog);

		void fBroadcastData	(char* data, int size)
			// Broadcast data out to all activeConnections
			list<PT(Connection)>::iterator it;
			for (it = lActiveConnections.begin(); it != lActiveConnections.end(); it++)
				fSendData(data, size, *it);

		void fSendData		(char* data, int size, Connection* pconn)
			Datagram myDatagram;

		bool fGetData		(std::list<NetDatagram> *plist)
			bool ret = false;
			while (pcReader->data_available())
				NetDatagram datagram;  // catch the incoming data in this instance
				// Check the return value; if we were threaded, someone else could have
				// snagged this data before we did
				if (pcReader->get_data(datagram))
					ret = true;
			return ret;

		std::list<PT(Connection)>*	fGetClients (void)
			return &lActiveConnections;
		void   fStartPolling (void)
			PT(AsyncTaskManager) taskMgr = AsyncTaskManager::get_global_ptr(); 
			PT(GenericAsyncTask) ltask = new GenericAsyncTask("serverListenTask", &fTaskListenerPoll, (void*)this);

			PT(GenericAsyncTask) dtask = new GenericAsyncTask("serverDisconnectTask", &fTaskDisconnectPoll, (void*)this);

		static AsyncTask::DoneStatus fTaskListenerPoll	(GenericAsyncTask* task, void* data)
			if (((clTCPServer*)data)->pcListener->new_connection_available())
				PT(Connection) rendezvous;
				NetAddress netAddress;
				PT(Connection) newConnection;
				if (((clTCPServer*)data)->pcListener->get_new_connection(rendezvous, netAddress, newConnection))
					newConnection = newConnection.p();
					((clTCPServer*)data)->lActiveConnections.push_back(newConnection);  // Remember connection
					((clTCPServer*)data)->pcReader->add_connection(newConnection);      // Begin reading connection
			// Tell the task manager to continue this task the next frame.
			return AsyncTask::DS_cont;

		static AsyncTask::DoneStatus fTaskDisconnectPoll(GenericAsyncTask* task, void* data)
			while(((clTCPServer*)data)->pcManager->reset_connection_available() == true)
				PT(Connection) connPointer;
				Connection* connection = connPointer.p();

				// Remove the connection we just found to be "reset" or "disconnected"

				// Loop through the activeConnections till we find the connection we just deleted
				// and remove it from our activeConnections list
				list<PT(Connection)>::iterator it;
				for (it = ((clTCPServer*)data)->lActiveConnections.begin(); it != ((clTCPServer*)data)->lActiveConnections.end(); it++)
					if (*it == connection)
			// Tell the task manager to continue this task the next frame.
			return AsyncTask::DS_cont;


PS: the flag parameter while creating client and server is for future use. It can be used to enable compression, encryption etc…

I know this thread is old but shouldn’t QueuedConnectionManager, QueuedConnectionListener, QueuedConnectionReader and ConnectionWriter use Pointer_to?