[Sample program] God rays with cartoon-shaded objects

Hi all,

It seems the Panda distribution does not contain a standard example program on how to use the volumetric lighting postprocess filter. Considering that this particular filter is much more involved to set up correctly than the other CommonFilters, I thought it would be nice to document this more fully.

Therefore, I have pieced together the following sample program from the information I could find. It differs from the posted code examples I could find:

  • The occlusion is rendered in a separate pre-pass, using another camera.
  • The occlusion camera is set up to only render objects that have a depth coordinate between the light and the viewer. (This is dynamically updated each frame.) This effectively switches off volumetric lighting for those objects that are behind the light. (If this is not done, those objects cast light rays instead of shadow rays, which looks wrong. It may be a limitation of the algorithm - at least to me the shader implementation looks correct.)
  • This version demonstrates how to use volumetric lighting in scenes with cartoon inking, or with any other postprocess filter. Bloom is also enabled on the main render, so that bright pixels will glow when the light is not behind the object.
  • The strength of the rays is modulated using the directional cosine between the camera’s axis vector and the position vector of the light in the camera’s coordinate system. This makes the effect fade out as the light approaches the perpendicular, eliminating the artifact mentioned in section 13.6 in the original article (the samples can become very sparse if the caster’s y = 0 and x and/or z tend to infinity in camera coordinates).
  • The final additive blending combining the scene and the volumetric lighting is done in a very minimal custom shader.
  • This is a minimal standalone program independent of demomaster.

First of all, to get an idea about how the filter is supposed to work, it helped to read the original article where the algorithm is explained (including pictures):

http.developer.nvidia.com/GPUGem … _ch13.html

On the practical side, especially helpful were the original threads where aurilliance and rdb discussed this in 2009, and another thread where one of the users asked how to set it up:

[God Ray Shader - clip to screen space?)
[Volumetric Lighting)
[Volumetric lighting. How to set it?)

Also, while the function CommonFilters.setVolumetricLighting() contains no docstring (as of 1.8.1), the parameters are explained in the manual:

panda3d.org/manual/index.ph … ing_Filter

Regarding the interaction with cartoon shading, it was also useful to know that in 1.8.1, the autoshader only writes into the normals aux texture if at least one built-in light is enabled (reportedly, this is a bug in 1.8.1 that is fixed in the current development tree):

panda3d.org/forums/viewtopi … =90#p97704

The code of the example, and required flare texture (the latter from ninth’s lens flare example), are attached as a zip file.

When 1.9.0 comes out, I can update this example if needed - I think I read somewhere on the forums that rdb mentioned that rendering to a buffer will become easier in the new version.

Note that the screenshots in this post were taken using the new antialiasing cartoon shader from the “cartoon shader improvements” patch; the code of the example can run either with that or with original 1.8.1. Default is original 1.8.1 so that the example works out of the box. Search for “cartoon shader improvements” to see which lines must be changed to enable the antialiased cartoon shading if the patch is installed.

Tut-Volumetric-Lighting.zip (87.8 KB)

Very cool, and a potentially-useful tutorial, I do believe–thank you! :slight_smile:


It took a while to figure out so I thought I’d save others the trouble :slight_smile:

I’m trying to run this example.
I know it’s old so I had to fix some bugs (print was Python 2.7, makeTextureBuffer()didn't allowfloatarguments and I had to convert toint, getPos()didn't accept the keyword argumentother` and I made it positional). But after these adjustments, in general, the code finally booted up.
It is worse that, unfortunately, the result is completely different than in the screen above. For me it looks like this:

It doesn’t even matter that the object is almost all black. But the worst thing is that there are no volumetric light rays coming from behind the object (there is only a halo effect around the light source).
Anyone have an idea what went wrong?
My setup: macOS M1, Python 3.10 for Intel, Panda 1.10.12.

Hmm… On my computer the program seems to render as expected. (Granted that I’m using Ubuntu 18 and Python 3.6.9.)

So, to start with, are you perhaps seeing any output in the console? It looks like it should print some errors if it finds that something doesn’t meet its requirements.

Interesting. But is the original code working for you?
Because I had to modify the lines:

  • 326 (//)
  • 327 (//)
  • 529 (getPos(self.vlcam))
  • 583 (print(...))
  • 587 (print(...))

Without these changes, my Python crashes with error.
I still have some warnings on the console, but that’s it. It looks like:

Using deprecated DirectStart interface.
Known pipe types:
(all display modules loaded.)
:shader(warning): Shader::make() now requires an explicit shader language.  Assuming Cg.
:ShowBase(warning): run() is deprecated, use base.run() instead

Process finished with exit code 0

All code now looks like this:

from panda3d.core import PandaNode,LightNode,TextNode
from panda3d.core import Filename, NodePath
from panda3d.core import PointLight, AmbientLight
from panda3d.core import LightRampAttrib, AuxBitplaneAttrib
from panda3d.core import CardMaker
from panda3d.core import Shader, Texture
from panda3d.core import Point3,Vec4,Vec3,Mat4

# Force non-power-of-2 textures. Important for the VolumetricLighting implementation to work correctly.
# Note that we must do this before importing DirectStart (which instantiates ShowBase).
# See
#   https://www.panda3d.org/manual/index.php/Accessing_Config_Vars_in_a_Program
# Of course, if you already have this setting in your Config.prc, then this effectively does nothing.
from panda3d.core import loadPrcFileData
loadPrcFileData( "", "textures-power-2 none" )

import direct.directbase.DirectStart
from direct.task.Task import Task
from direct.actor.Actor import Actor
from direct.gui.OnscreenText import OnscreenText
from direct.showbase.DirectObject import DirectObject
from direct.showbase.BufferViewer import BufferViewer
from direct.filter.CommonFilters import CommonFilters

import sys,os

# A minimal postprocessing shader that additively blends two textures.
# We use this to blend the results from the volumetric lighting render
# onto the main render.
void vshader(
    float4 vtx_position : POSITION,
    out float4 l_position : POSITION,
    out float2 l_texcoordC : TEXCOORD0,
    out float2 l_texcoordV : TEXCOORD1,
    uniform float4 texpad_txcolor,
    uniform float4 texpad_txvl,
    uniform float4x4 mat_modelproj)
    l_position = mul(mat_modelproj, vtx_position);
    l_texcoordC = vtx_position.xz * texpad_txcolor.xy + texpad_txcolor.xy;
    l_texcoordV = vtx_position.xz * texpad_txvl.xy    + texpad_txvl.xy;

void fshader(out float4 o_color : COLOR,
             float2 l_texcoordC : TEXCOORD0,
             float2 l_texcoordV : TEXCOORD1,
             uniform float4 texpix_txcolor,
             uniform sampler2D k_txcolor : TEXUNIT0,
             uniform float4 texpix_txvl,
             uniform sampler2D k_txvl : TEXUNIT1,
             uniform float k_strength)
    float4 c_color = tex2D( k_txcolor, l_texcoordC.xy );
    float4 c_vl    = tex2D( k_txvl,    l_texcoordV.xy );

    o_color = saturate( c_color + k_strength*c_vl );

# Function to put instructions on the screen.
def addInstructions(pos, msg):
    return OnscreenText(text=msg, style=1, fg=(1,1,1,1),
                        pos=(-1.3, pos), align=TextNode.ALeft, scale = .05)

# Function to put title on the screen.
def addTitle(text):
    return OnscreenText(text=text, style=1, fg=(1,1,1,1),
                        pos=(1.3,-0.95), align=TextNode.ARight, scale = .07)

class VolumetricLightingToonMaker(DirectObject):
    def __init__(self):
        # Render the main view into a buffer.
        # We need this to support other postprocessing together with the VolumetricLighting filter.
        # There is a caveat, though; the occlusion pre-pass will not see postprocessing filter effects,
        # and hence anything that falls outside an object outline may be erased by the volumetric light
        # when the main and occlusion renders are combined to form the final picture.
        # This can be corrected by applying the same postprocessing filters to the occlusion pre-pass.
        # To do that, there are some practical issues one should be aware of:
        #   - Any postprocessing filters applied to the occlusion buffer must be configured appropriately;
        #     this does NOT necessarily mean the exact same options as used in the main render.
        #     In the occlusion buffer, we must do for example the following:
        #      - All "object-like" things should be rendered black.
        #        - This includes any postprocessing that makes more pixels "object-like"
        #          than already are in the basic occlusion render.
        #        - For example, cartoon ink should be made completely black, RGBA=(0,0,0,1),
        #          regardless of desired final ink color. The ink color should be applied
        #          in the postprocessing for the main render.
        #      - Any additional "light-like" things (except the bright object representing
        #        the VolumetricLighting caster) should probably be disabled.
        #        - Any additional bright pixels will cast rays, but centered on VolumetricLighting's caster
        #          instead of on the local center of each bright area. In most situations, this is probably
        #          undesirable. (But may be useful to keep in mind as a special effect.)
        #        - For example, bloom should *not* be set on the occlusion buffer.
        #      - Blur should render blurred object outlines with varying alpha.
        #        This is achieved by setting a zero-alpha fill color to the occlusion camera.
        #        The main camera can render normally.
        #      - Procedural lens flare (coming soon based on the code by ninth) should be rendered
        #        in both buffers, so that it takes into account bright pixels in both the occlusion
        #        buffer and the main render.
        #   - As of 1.8.1, the current design of CommonFilters is single stage only, hence VolumetricLighting
        #     (which is a part of CommonFilters) might or might not see the other filters applied
        #     in its input, depending on implementation details of the other filters.
        #   - Performance. This doubles the amount work that the postprocessing filters must do.
        #     Using a half-size, downscaled occlusion buffer (see "div" below) helps somewhat,
        #     reducing the additional load for the postprocessing fragment shaders from 100% to 25%.
        # Thus, the exact result when other postprocessing is enabled is dependent on
        # which filters are used and whether they can be configured to do the right thing
        # in the instance that renders to the occlusion buffer; your mileage may vary.
        self.renderbuffer = base.win.makeTextureBuffer("SceneRender",
        self.rendercam = base.makeCamera(self.renderbuffer)
        scenetex = self.renderbuffer.getTexture()

        # Set up the camera and mouse control.
        # https://www.panda3d.org/manual/index.php/Mouse_Support
        camera.setPos(-30, 50, 0)

        # Check video card capabilities.

        if (base.win.getGsg().getSupportsBasicShaders() == 0):
            addTitle("Toon Shader: Video driver reports that shaders are not supported.")

        # In addition to volumetric lighting, we will do cartoon shading (see the cartoon shading tutorial).
        # Make a light ramp.

        tempnode = NodePath(PandaNode("temp node"))

        # For version 1.8.1
        tempnode.setAttrib(LightRampAttrib.makeSingleThreshold(thresh0=0.5, lev0=0.8))

#        # For 1.8.1 with the "cartoon shader improvements" patch.
#        #
#        # We utilize the new features introduced in the patch, making
#        # the light/dark transitions smooth and making the light ramp
#        # affect also the specular component of lighting.
#        #
#        # The parameter smooth0 uses the same units as thresh0.
#        #
#        tempnode.setAttrib(LightRampAttrib.makeSingleThreshold(thresh0=0.5, lev0=0.8,
#                                                               smooth0=0.01, affect_specular=True))

        tempnode.setShaderAuto()  # enable autoshader (this enables the light ramp)

        # Enable cartoon inking.

        self.filters = CommonFilters(self.renderbuffer, self.rendercam)

        # 1.8.1
        filterok = self.filters.setCartoonInk(color=(0,0,0,0.75))
#        # 1.8.1 with "cartoon shader improvements"
#        filterok = self.filters.setCartoonInk(color=(0,0,0,0.75), antialias=True)

        # Bloom is another part of simulating a bright (high contrast) light.
        # Enable auto-blooming for bright pixels in the main render.
        filterok = filterok and self.filters.setBloom( blend = (0.3, 0.4, 0.3, 0.0),  # lum = dot(RGBA,blend)
                                                       mintrigger = 0.6,  # default: 0.6,
                                                       maxtrigger = 1.0,
                                                       desat = 0.1,       # default: 0.6,
                                                       intensity = 0.6,   # default: 1.0,
                                                       size = "small" )

        if (filterok == False):
            addTitle("Video card not powerful enough to do image postprocessing")

        # Load the panda model (that comes with Panda3D) and position it appropriately.

        self.character = Actor()

#        # Optional: animate the model.
#        #
#        self.character.loadAnims({'walk': 'models/panda-walk'})
#        self.character.loop('walk')

#        # Optional: make the model slide back and forth in front of the light
#        #           to demonstrate how the volumetric rays behave when objects move.
#        #
#        from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import Sequence
#        self.character.setPos( Point3(10,0,-5) )
#        mydur = 3.0
#        I1 = self.character.posInterval(duration=mydur, pos=Point3(-10,0,-5), blendType="easeInOut")
#        I2 = self.character.posInterval(duration=mydur, pos=Point3( 10,0,-5), blendType="easeInOut")
#        Sequence(I1,I2, name="character mover").loop()  # or .start() to play just once

        # Create a non-attenuating point light and an ambient light.
        plightnode = PointLight("point light")
        plight = render.attachNewNode(plightnode)
        alightnode = AmbientLight("ambient light")
        alight = render.attachNewNode(alightnode)

        # Volumetric lighting setup

        # To get an idea how the filter is supposed to work, refer to
        # NVIDIA: GPU Gems 3, chapter 13:
        # http://http.developer.nvidia.com/GPUGems3/gpugems3_ch13.html

        # Specify light source to act as source of the light rays.
        # This can be any NodePath (does not have to be a light), but the effect
        # looks the most natural if the caster is a light (point, directional or spot).
        # Keep in mind that the actual volumetric "light" that generates the rays
        # has nothing to do with actual scene lighting, but is simply a
        # postprocessing effect. Hence, it does not actually illuminate any objects!
        # The illusion of illuminating the air comes from the bright look of the
        # texture that we use to represent the light source.
        # Also, keep in mind that the simple billboarded texture card approach
        # knows nothing about the angle a spotlight is pointing at; this example
        # looks most natural for point and directional lights.
        # Here we use a point light.
        self.caster = plight

        # Create a visual representation of the light using a billboarded "fuzzy dot light" texture.
        from panda3d.core import CardMaker, TransparencyAttrib
        cm = CardMaker('card')
        # To center the texture, center the card around the local origin.
        # This is important to make the rays flow out from the center point of the texture.
        cm.setFrame( ll=Point3(-0.5, 0, -0.5), lr=Point3( 0.5, 0, -0.5),
                     ur=Point3( 0.5, 0,  0.5), ul=Point3(-0.5, 0,  0.5) )
        # Create the card geometry and parent it to the light.
        card = self.caster.attachNewNode(cm.generate())
        card.setTexture(loader.loadTexture('tex/flare5.png'))  # texture from ninth's lens flare example
        card.setScale(50)   # Make the card bigger.
        card.setLightOff()  # Lighting shouldn't affect the card, because
                            # the texture represents a light source as-is.

        # Next, we set up the occlusion pre-pass - the magic behind the VolumetricLighting filter.
        # Make an offscreen buffer and camera, rendering all objects except the light card as black.
        # If we use the main render as input to VolumetricLighting instead of making a separate
        # occlusion pre-pass, even moderately bright objects will cast silly-colored light rays
        # into the volumetric light instead of casting shadows. (GPU Gems 3, section 13.5,
        # calls this "undesirable streaks due to surface texture variations".)
        # Rendering everything as black makes the objects shadow the light when the VolumetricLighting
        # filter postprocesses this buffer, assuming that the caster is behind the objects.
        # If the caster is in front, the objects will cast "light rays" (erroneously) instead of
        # shadowing the light. (It seems this is a property of the VolumetricLighting algorithm.)
        # We eliminate this artifact by dynamically updating the far distance of the occlusion buffer camera
        # in an update task, so that objects further away from the viewer than the caster will
        # not be drawn into this buffer, and hence such objects will not cast any rays.
        # (Sometimes such "light rays" can be useful, e.g. for creating a radially glowing sun like in:
        #   http://www.panda3d.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=13936
        #  This effect can make the sun appear more 'alive' in space scenes, providing an alternative
        #  for (or another technique in addition to) rotating starburst cards. In this case,
        #  a textured mesh is used as caster instead of a billboarded card.
        #  Note that to get only the sun to glow, it should be the only object rendered into the
        #  pre-pass buffer, and it should be rendered in the usual manner, not as black.
        #  Recall that objects can be hidden using camera masks. We will use this technique
        #  to hide the lighting card from the main camera below, to prevent the card from
        #  being rendered twice.)
#        div = 2 # it is possible to make the texture smaller than the window to render faster
        div = 1 # of course, full size gives best quality especially near object outlines
        self.vlbuffer = base.win.makeTextureBuffer("VolumetricLighting",
                                                   base.win.getXSize() // div,
                                                   base.win.getYSize() // div)
        self.vlbuffer.setClearColor(Vec4(0, 0, 0, 0))
        self.vlcam = base.makeCamera(self.vlbuffer)

#        # Be aware that if we modify any camera settings for vlcam, we must match the settings
#        # of rendercam! (E.g. a different FOV would cause the object to be the wrong size
#        # in the occlusion buffer.)
#        #
#        self.vlcam.node().getLens().setNear(10.0)
#        self.vlcam.node().getLens().setFar(200.0)
#        self.vlcam.node().getLens().setFov(90)

        # We set a ridiculously high priority (10000) on these settings
        # to override the same settings in any nodes that might have them.
        tempNP = NodePath("temp node")

        # Set up the task to update occlusion parameters at each frame.
        # We use a high priority to make sure this runs before the frame is rendered.
        # (This ordering is important to correctly account for fast motion of objects or the camera.)
        taskMgr.add( lambda task : self.occlusionUpdateTask(task),
                     'VolumetricLightingOcclusionUpdateTask', priority=10000, sort=0 )

        # Set up an instance of CommonFilters and enable VolumetricLighting *on the vlbuffer camera*.
        self.vlfilters = CommonFilters(self.vlbuffer, self.vlcam)

        # high quality
        self.vlfilters.setVolumetricLighting(caster=self.caster, numsamples=32, density=0.6, decay=0.98)
        # low quality, faster (but div=2 helps in making this look relatively good!)
#        self.vlfilters.setVolumetricLighting(caster=self.caster, numsamples=16, density=0.5, decay=0.98)

        # Set up postprocessing for the occlusion pre-pass.
        # We duplicate the cartoon inking in the vlbuffer, but as completely black.
        # All other inking settings should be configured the same as in the main view,
        # to ensure that pixels at the corresponding screen coordinates are inked
        # in both buffers.
        # (But not necessarily the same pixels, if div != 1; instead, it will be
        #  the best approximation that the resolution of the occlusion buffer allows.)
        # This step is important, as it makes the occlusion pass see the inked pixels
        # as occluded even if they happen to be outside the object outline.
        # Note that because the main autoshader is disabled for the occlusion buffer,
        # there will not be any sensible data in the normal map (bug in 1.8.1); hence
        # this will not work properly without the "cartoon shader improvements" patch,
        # which adds (optional, enabled by default) depth buffer based edge detection to the inker.

        # 1.8.1
        self.vlfilters.setCartoonInk( color=(0,0,0,1) )
#        # 1.8.1 with "cartoon shader improvements"
#        self.vlfilters.setCartoonInk( color=(0,0,0,1), antialias=True )

        # We will use the resulting texture from the pre-pass as input for the finalquad shader.
        vltex = self.vlbuffer.getTexture()

        # Set up the final quad to receive the combined result from the two renders.
        # If we use CommonFilters in our main render view, we must render to a buffer
        # and capture the texture from that buffer (see "scenetex" above) to get the image
        # that has the postprocessing applied.

#        # If we had a scene with no postprocessing except VolumetricLighting
#        # (i.e. where the main render is not postprocessed), we could skip rendering
#        # to a buffer, using the default rendering setup instead, and do as follows:
#        #
#        from direct.filter import FilterManager
#        manager = FilterManager.FilterManager(base.win, base.cam)
#        scenetex = Texture()
#        self.quadNodePath = manager.renderSceneInto(colortex=scenetex)

        # But since we use CommonFilters, we must (as of 1.8.1) instead create
        # the final quad (self.quadNodePath) ourselves, using the following setup.
        # This sort of emulates what FilterManager does, but in a setup where
        # we are already rendering into a quad (the one set up by CommonFilters).
        quadscene = NodePath("filter-quad-scene")
        quadcamera = base.makeCamera2d(base.win, sort=7)
        cm = CardMaker("filter-quad-card")
        self.quadNodePath = NodePath(cm.generate())
        finaltex = Texture()

        # Set up a shader on the final quad to compose the color and volumetric lighting textures
        # into the final output.
        # The light from the VL texture is blended additively onto the color texture, saturating to 1.0.
        self.quadNodePath.setShaderInput("txcolor", scenetex)
        self.quadNodePath.setShaderInput("txvl", vltex)
        self.quadNodePath.setShaderInput("strength", 1.0)

        # Tag the cameras with bitmasks to enable selective object hiding.
        from panda3d.core import BitMask32
        RENDERCAM_MASK = BitMask32.bit(0)
        VLCAM_MASK     = BitMask32.bit(1)

        # In the card NodePath, override the vlcam settings.
        # The "blackening" settings must be overridden manually by setting them to reasonable values,
        # because color and colorscale are not yet part of the card's state. (Hence, even setting
        # an overriding priority would not have any effect on them.)
        # Setting the color of the card to RGBA=(1,1,1,1) means that the texture is used as-is
        # (when lighting is disabled, as it is for the card).
        # Using any other color means the texture color is modulated by the given color.
        # Note that this implies that the texture should be white-ish (or even grayscale)
        # if you wish to be able to tint it toward any color, because the modulation
        # is multiplicative.
        # TODO: tint automatically using the light's color?
        card.setColor(1,1,1,1)  # render rays by using the card texture as-is
#        card.setColor(0.6,0.6,1,1)  # example: tint the card texture toward blue
#        card.setColor(1,0.8,0.6,1)  # example: tint toward orange

        # Make vlcam see the card, but hide it from the main render camera.
        # (The final blending step already adds the card (and the rays) onto the final output;
        #  we should not render it twice.)

        # Now the setup is complete.

#        # If desired, we can enable one more set of filters to postprocess the final result
#        # after the blending.
#        #
#        self.finalfilters = CommonFilters(base.win, quadcamera)
#        self.finalfilters.setBloom()
#        self.finalfilters.setBlurSharpen()

        # End volumetric lighting setup

        # Do some final setup for the user interface of this example program.

        # Post the instructions.
        self.title = addTitle("Panda3D: Toon shading with volumetric lighting")
        self.inst1 = addInstructions(0.95,"ESC: Quit")
        self.inst2 = addInstructions(0.90,"V: View the render-to-texture results")
        self.inst3 = addInstructions(0.85,"F: Toggle frame rate meter on/off")
        self.inst4 = addInstructions(0.80,"S: Save screenshot")

        # Trap the keys.

        # Panda contains a built-in viewer that lets you view the 
        # results of all render-to-texture operations.  This lets you
        # see what class CommonFilters is doing behind the scenes.
        self.accept("v", base.bufferViewer.toggleEnable)
        self.accept("V", base.bufferViewer.toggleEnable)
#        self.accept("s", self.filters.manager.resizeBuffers)

        self.accept("escape", sys.exit, [0])

        self.fpsMeter = False
        self.accept("f", self.toggleFramerateMeter)
        self.accept("F", self.toggleFramerateMeter)
        self.ssfilename_counter = 0
        self.accept("s", self.saveScreenshot)
        self.accept("S", self.saveScreenshot)

    # Update task for dynamically updating occlusion parameters for the volumetric light rendering.
    # This should be set up to run at a high priority to ensure update before each frame is rendered.
    def occlusionUpdateTask(self, task):
        # Update the far distance of the occlusion camera.
        # We make the occlusion camera see only objects that are in front of the light,
        # i.e. those objects that should participate in occlusion.
        p = self.caster.getPos(self.vlcam)  # vector pointing from camera origin to caster

        # p[1] = distance of caster, component along the view axis (camera's y)
        # 0.1% = safety margin to ensure the card representing the light is rendered
        self.vlcam.node().getLens().setFar( p[1] * 1.001 )

        # Implement an artifact-reducing suggestion from GPU Gems 3, section 13.6:
        # Fade out the volumetric rays as the light approaches the plane perpendicular
        # to the view axis. This eliminates the problem of potentially large sample separation,
        # as the coordinates of the light tend to infinity on the camera plane. (Without this,
        # if the light is on the camera plane, and far away from the view, the separation
        # between adjacent samples will be large and the "ray" effect breaks down.)
        # We do this using a "volumetric light strength" parameter in our final-step shader.
        # Directional cosine between view axis and p. Negative values should be discarded,
        # as they correspond to the light being behind the camera.
        from math import sqrt
        p_norm = sqrt(p.dot(p))
        f = max(0.0, Vec3(0,1,0).dot(p/p_norm))
        self.quadNodePath.setShaderInput("strength", f)

        return task.cont

    # Panda can show us the current framerate.
    def toggleFramerateMeter(self):
        self.fpsMeter = not self.fpsMeter

    # Save a screenshot to a uniquely numbered file.
    def saveScreenshot(self):
        ulim = 99999  # %05d
        def generateFileName():
            self.ssfilename_counter += 1
            return "Tut-Cartoon-Basic-190_py_screenshot_%05d.jpg" % self.ssfilename_counter

        # find a filename that does not correspond to an existing file
        import os.path
        done = False
        while  not done  and  self.ssfilename_counter <= ulim:
            filename = generateFileName()
            if not os.path.isfile(filename):
                done = True

        if not done:
            print("ERROR: Screenshot failed: no free filename")

        print("Screenshot saved to %s." % filename)

t = VolumetricLightingToonMaker()

No–as you point out, it no longer works in Python 3.

It looks like I made essentially the same modifications as you.

Hmm. I believe that I got the same (save of course for the mention of “Cocoa”).

All right: What then do you see when you press “V”? (In order to show the render-to-texture results.)

I get this:
(Note the strip of renders at the bottom.)

Thank you.
I’ve already tried with ‘V’. Unfortunately, apparently, there are differences too. Below I am attaching a screenshot:

I tried some older Pythons (3.8, 3.9) and the same.
I’m starting to wonder if this is another problem with Panda3D under macOS? Unfortunately, macOS is a bit of a problem.
At the same time, I note that (despite the M1 processor) I am using the Intel version of Python (the arm version does not want to work with shaders at all).
PS: Or maybe also @rdb will know something (sorry for tagging, but recently macOS comments have been very helpful).

It does look like various stages of the process are producing erroneous output, which seems like a plausible source to the problem.

It’s entirely possible that, whatever it is, it’s a Mac-compatibility thing–something that I’m afraid that I know little about. For now, then, I’ll step back and defer to others (such as rdb).

Hmmm… After doing more tests, I’m starting to get the impression that something is more wrong. The same code running on my computer just has a different effect:

Hmm… Let me step in briefly again to ask, on the off-chance: could it be a matter of updating your drivers…?

Well, I don’t know if there is a simple way of updating drivers at macOS (as everything comes bundled at Mac). Certainly I use the newest version of macOS Monterey, Version 12.6.

Hmm, yeah, I don’t know much about Mac, I’m afraid, and thus how or whether such an update might be done.

I’ll again step back in favour of others hopefully having further ideas, then, I fear.

For information - in this thread:

@serega-kkz probably led me to the source of the problem.

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