Panda3D WebGL Port!

Pushed to webgl-port branch.

This is the build script I use to build Panda: (requires Emscripten SDK, of course)

source /home/rdb/local/src/emsdk_portable/
export CXXFLAGS="-std=c++11"
python makepanda/ --nothing --use-direct --use-gles2 --optimize 4 --outputdir embuilt --target emscripten $@

Add --profiling to CXXFLAGS when you want to keep the names of C++ methods in the JavaScript call stack, besides allowing you to use the Chrome profiler or something like that.

Right now it builds the C++ hello world sample and pview. Care must be taken that main_loop() is used (instead of manually stepping through do_frame) since it needs some special logic to hand control of the main loop to the browser.

This is the makefile I use to build the sample programs:


PRELOAD_FILES=panda-model.bam panda-walk4.bam maps/panda-model.txo
PANDA_LIBS=libp3framework.bc libpanda.bc libpandaexpress.bc libp3dtool.bc libp3dtoolconfig.bc libp3pystub.a libp3webgldisplay.bc

CFLAGS=-O3 --profiling -s ASSERTIONS=1 -s NO_EXIT_RUNTIME=1 -s TOTAL_MEMORY=32000000

all: pview-panda.html

pview-panda.html: pview-panda.cxx $(PRELOAD_FILES)
	em++ -o pview-panda.html -L$(BUILT)/lib -L$(BUILT)/tmp pview-panda.cxx $(addprefix $(BUILT)/lib/,$(PANDA_LIBS)) -I$(BUILT)/include/ $(CFLAGS) $(addprefix --preload-file ,$(PRELOAD_FILES))

	rm -f pview-panda.html pview-panda.js pview-panda.html.mem

.PHONY: all clean

EDIT: I forgot to mention that it won’t run from file:/// URLs for security reasons. You have to use “python -m SimpleHTTPServer” and then go to localhost:8000 in your browser in order to run the resulting html.