Hardware Skinning

Many thanks rdb for your reply.

However, I am currently struggling to understand how to mix HW instancing and skinning in a VS.

Let’s say a (simplified) HW instancing VS shader section made as below:
[this is actually how my HW instancing works, with some culling to cope with the OmniBoundingVolume() applied to the model]

mat4 transform =  transpose(shader_transformmatrix[gl_InstanceID])
gl_Position = p3d_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * (p3d_Vertex * transform);

where shader_transformmatrix is an uniform filled through a task with the instanced nodepath transform matrices - nodepath.getMat()

How should I modify the HW skinning matrix calculation below:

mat4 matrix = p3d_TransformTable[transform_index.x] * transform_weight.x
              + p3d_TransformTable[transform_index.y] * transform_weight.y
              + p3d_TransformTable[transform_index.z] * transform_weight.z
              + p3d_TransformTable[transform_index.w] * transform_weight.w;

with any additional ‘transform’ matrix based upon gl_InstanceID? (I am probably wrong/not clear in my understanding of how HW skinning is working…)

Thanks again fo your help!