Panda3D Code Collection

Hey everyone,

I’m glad to hear my snippets are a helpful addition for some of you.

The latest revision 71 adds a few more things and enhances existing snippets.

DirectGUI and other UI related things

  • Added snippet for simple tooltip that always stay within the window
  • Enhanced Textwriter sample with Font Kerning, better text speed processing and better performance
  • Added windows cursor file in replacement of the ico format to add cursor hotspot on windows and mac systems

Special effects (SFX)

  • Some work in progress stuff like mirror effect and a test cube for texture scaling shaders

Character Systems

Core Features and basics

  • Added a snippet to show how window events can be handled

@elkav, I’m not aware of any way to specifically index this repository for google search, but I think it already ranks rather high if you search for panda3d code snippets for example (was the 4. entry on my last search). Aside of that, telling newcomers and generally all other panda3d users about this collection would probably help rise it’s visibility too. And if rdb or other maintainers would be ok with that, it could be added to this manual section: or somewhere below my already added books on