1.9.4 and Vertex Colours

Here’s the output of “ls()”, called from within the game:

ModelRoot brassBowl.egg S:(ColorAttrib)
  GeomNode Circle.001 (1 geoms: S:(ColorAttrib CullBinAttrib MaterialAttrib TextureAttrib)) [noShadows shader transparency] S:(ColorBlendAttrib ShaderAttrib TransparencyAttrib) (per-camera hidden)
  GeomNode Circle (1 geoms: S:(MaterialAttrib TextureAttrib))

The first GeomNode, “Circle.001” is the one that’s showing the problem, I believe. I note that it reports a “ColorAttrib” (as does the parent node), although why this is so I’m not sure.

Oddly, while calling “getAttrib(ColorAttrib)” on the model-node returns a “ColorAttrib” (with the colour (1, 1, 1, 1)), doing so on either of its children returns None. o_0