PandaSteer 2

Minor update, a few more fixes and improvements from the amazing ynjh_jo and me: download (Update: removed imports of no-longer-existent

Some minor refactoring and tidying up from me (chombee) and fixes from ynjh_jo. The major refactoring jobs are still to be done.


  • Split out makeHeightMap (diamond-square algorithm) from makeTerrain
  • Set self.reticle = None at the start of self.step() in Vehicle, for each
    frame, reticle is only drawn if steering behaviour used that frame sets
    reticle. Prevents reticle from being drawn in the wrong place some frames.
  • Got rid of fromCol function in (not needed)
  • Added destroy functions to SphereObstacle and Character
  • Removed toggleSolids function in (not needed, in time
    toggleCollisions should become a general toggleAnnotation function).
  • General tidying of code and comments


  • Character should switch to the walk animation at speed .05 or below, not .005
  • Don’t need to remove from the collision traverser in
    character.destroy() (we never added it in the first place).
  • Fixed comment describing what’s going on with the triangulation workaround in makeQuad()

Note that there’s a detailed changelog in changelog.txt in the download.