Onscreen IDE & dynamic instant update [_v0.5.4_]

I’ve used makeOutput, but still using different framebuffer properties. It might not work. I tried to use main window’s FBprops but the RTT result was funny, so I dropped it.


  1. changed keys for moving line(s) and duplicating line. Instead of using modifier keys (Shift-Ctrl-Alt), now I use double Ctrl, so I only need to utilize 1 hand. Double Ctrl press threshold is .3 second.
  2. pausing the scene now correctly pauses all scene’s intervals and tasks (both oridinary and doLater tasks).
  3. upon rebind, all doLater tasks get removed to avoid unnecessary annoying assertion error due to operating on no-longer-exist objects.
  4. code completion : works a little more correct on imported stuff, temporarily imported upon module/document switch (or anytime a document is set to active). Class instance attributes now includes all of its methods, but still not properly usable yet.
  5. added destructor for sound