Onscreen IDE & dynamic instant update [_v0.5.4_]

Ok, still doesn’t run :frowning:

A few things…

may have to do with the WXPython version…

I downloaded: http://downloads.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/wxpython/wxPython2.6-win32-unicode-

Firstly, when I clicked open / new There was an error saying that

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "IDE_STARTER.pyw", line 265, in __init__
AttributeError: 'CreateNewFile' object has no attribute 'SetTransparent'

So I commented out these 2 lines

193 #self.SetTransparent(ALPHA_optionsScreen)
265 #self.SetTransparent(ALPHA_optionsScreen)

Then this error was raised after creating a new file.

Nothing was selected.

C:\Documents and Settings\smartviz\Desktop\asdf>Warning: DirectNotify: category
'Interval' already exists
############### YOUR FILES ###############
C:\Documents and Settings\smartviz\Desktop\asdf\brt.py
DirectStart: Starting the game.
Known pipe types:
(all display modules loaded.)
:display:windisplay(warning): Could not find icon filename icon.ico
:display:gsg:glgsg(warning): BlendEquation advertised as supported by OpenGL run
time, but could not get pointers to extension function.
:display:gsg:glgsg(warning): BlendColor advertised as supported by OpenGL runtim
e, but could not get pointers to extension function.
:audio(error):   LoadLibrary() failed, will use NullAudioManager
:audio(error):     Module not found
:util(warning): Adjusting global clock's real time by 8.66315e-006 seconds.
APP ['WorldInst', '__doc__', '__init__', '__module__', 'modDir', 'moduleName']
APP_modName : brt
APP_modName : brt
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "IDE.py", line 449, in <module>
AttributeError: ShowBase instance has no attribute 'startWx'

Again looks like the wxpython playing up, where / how did you install your wxpython / what os are you using?
