Onscreen IDE & dynamic instant update [_v0.5.4_]

I got it mostly working in the meantime, i dont think anything else is affected. I could open files and start the ide (i have not checked if the BoxSizer is used in those parts).

I didnt really understand why StaticBoxSizer is not working correctly. It took me a while to figure out this solution from the messages i found on the internet. But it seems to be a known osx problem for wx-windows.

Another problem i have found, under osx is that os.execl does not work while using wx-windows. A possibility is to keep the window opened (by using os.spawnl)

    if sys.platform == "darwin":
        pythonExecutable = "/usr/bin/python" # i think thats the usual py2.5 from 10.5 (leopard)
        result = os.spawnlp( os.P_NOWAIT, pythonExecutable,' -i ', the_IDE, the_files, ' %i'%PStatsEnabled)
        os.execl(sys.executable.replace('pythonw','ppython'),' -i ',the_IDE,the_files,' %i'%PStatsEnabled)

I think adding sys.path.append(’.’) to IDE.py will fix a problem which can occur in APP_MODULE when importing modules from the loaded file. I think the path is somehow not set correctly when spawning the ide process.

Maybe a working directory should be defined when loading a file.
i sometimes use a filestructure like this:

- panda_function_lib_dir
  - __init__.py
  - file1.py
  - file2.py
- currect_project_dir
  - main.py
  - class2.py

Where main contains:

from panda_function_lib_dir import file1

This does not work with the current structure.

The APP_files is a list of ‘"/path/to/file"’, the filename should be stripped of "

APP_files = list()
for app in APP_files_unstrip:
    APP_files.append( app.strip('"') )

I have changed a lot of other things, but most of them related to the fact that i still use python 2.4 ("var = ‘x’ if a else ‘y’ does not exist in 2.4)