Onscreen IDE & dynamic instant update [_v0.5.4_]

Hypnos, did you mean to tell me that panda_function_lib_dir and currect_project_dir are at the same level ?
I tried it by copying /actor from P3D/direct/src to the parent directory of the test scene’s dir, and import it :

from actor import Actor # /actor is copied from P3D/direct/src

Python can’t find it unless I added the parent dir to the path (in the main test file) :


So, normally how do you do it ?
If you added the parent dir yourself, then it will always be found, no matter what the IDE is doing.


  1. fixed all wxPython issues on Linux. File dialog is not spawned in a new thread, since it’s a complicated widget, and tends to crash.
  2. added auto-indent for these keywords : class, def, if, else, elif, try, except, finally, for, while
  3. fixed the scrambled sort order of nodes when using separate render bin. Using back-to-front type bin used to work in 1.5.1, but in 1.5.2, using unsorted bin does it correctly.
  4. improved runtime task-spawn error-tracing, something used to end up this way :
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "IDE.py", line 3027, in IDE_safeRun
  File "linuxroot/usr/share/panda3d/direct/src/task/Task.py", line 939, in run
  File "linuxroot/usr/share/panda3d/direct/src/task/Task.py", line 877, in step
  File "linuxroot/usr/share/panda3d/direct/src/task/Task.py", line 776, in __stepThroughList
  File "linuxroot/usr/share/panda3d/direct/src/task/Task.py", line 696, in __executeTask
TypeError: changeColor() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)

i.e. due to incorrect arguments count.
The IDE now can locate the exact error position, unless you change the method and/or the class’ name, before it actually run.
Shots of it, see the difference if I change self.changeColor to changeColor ?

funny news :
How could Python spit Windows path on Linux ?
Look at the last path :

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "IDE.py", line 3018, in IDE_safeRun
  File "linuxroot/usr/share/panda3d/direct/src/task/Task.py", line 939, in run
  File "linuxroot/usr/share/panda3d/direct/src/task/Task.py", line 877, in step
  File "linuxroot/usr/share/panda3d/direct/src/task/Task.py", line 776, in __stepThroughList
  File "linuxroot/usr/share/panda3d/direct/src/task/Task.py", line 696, in __executeTask
  File "I:\PROGRAMMING\Panda3D\=coba IDE\jackClass.py", line 21, in changeColor
NameError: global name 'Task' is not defined

I’ve covered that too.