Panda PhysX

When I say model I meant the actual model that the 3d artist builds in Blender or etc. and with shape I meant both the PhysShape and the blender model’s shape.
About the origin, I meant the model origin, as in blender. Example:

About the direction. Why I ask is because I get this result:

The capsule is rolling sideways and the model is obviously not correctly oriented with the PhysShape or whatever. I don’t know, thats why I ask. This is my code:

		tmpshape = PhysCapsuleShapeDesc()
		tmpshape.setHeight( 1.8 )
		tmpshape.setRadius( 0.35 )

		tmpbody = PhysBodyDesc( )
		tmpbody.setMass( weight )

		tmpactor = PhysActorDesc( )
		tmpactor.setBody( tmpbody )
		tmpactor.addShape( tmpshape )
		tmpactor.setGlobalPos( self.m_Model.getPos(render) )

		self.m_PhXActor = world.m_PhXScene.createActor( tmpactor )
		self.m_PhXActor.attachNodePath( self.m_Model )