Texture paths [SOLVED]

The code worked great!
I’m going to make it a callable function and put in some error-checking.

There were a couple of line I had to chg to get it to run, in case anyone needs something like this in the future (see below - I commented out the lines I changed and my corrected line is underneath - just typos i think)

for np in model.findAllMatches('**/+GeomNode'): 
    gn = np.node() 
    for gi in range(gn.getNumGeoms()): 
        state = gn.getGeomState(gi) 
        ta = state.getAttrib(TextureAttrib.getClassType()) 
        if ta: 
            #for si in range(ta.getNumOnstages()): 
            for si in range(ta.getNumOnStages()): 
                stage = ta.getOnStage(si) 
                tex = ta.getOnTexture(stage) 
                filename = tex.getFilename() 
                filename2 = Filename('art/characters/batman/skins/standard', filename.getBasename()) 
                tex2 = loader.loadTexture(filename2) 
                #ta = ta.addOnStage(ta.addOnStage(stage, tex2)) 
                ta = ta.addOnStage(stage, tex2)
            state = state.setAttrib(ta) 
            gn.setGeomState(gi, state) 

Thx again!