Treeform's feature requests

On Quick Collisions… You can emulate this by creating a temporary CollisionTraverser, adding your sphere/ray/etc to it, then traversing it. Something like:

tempTrav = CollisionTraverser("instaCollide")
tempQueue = CollisionQueueHandler()
tempTrav.addCollider(collisionRay, tempQueue)
if tempQueue.getNumEntries() > 0:
  processCollision (tempQueue.getEntry(0))

Maybe we could have a convenience function which does this in straight C++ code. The last game engine I used had functions like this – things like checkRay, checkSphere, etc. which would return a list of scenegraph objects that intersected the given ray/sphere/etc. Not designed for per-frame checks, but great if you wanted to do things like mouse-picking-on-click or to check for things like objects within an explosion blast radius.

I especially like the re-organized Python API. It would mean taking all of the Direct libraries and bringing them into line, though.

Personally, I don’t see much need for the Egg editor. I want my art assets to be authoritative, so if I re-generate an Egg from Blender, I don’t want to worry about running a fix-up process on the resulting dropped Egg. But, this is more of a work flow issue, I suppose.

I would like to see Pview expanded, though. It would be nice if it allowed you to do things like play multiple animations, display object scale meters, and had a hierarchy browser much like what is in directtools.

I’d also like to see the Particle system get some TLC, as I’ve already documented here. This obviously includes the Particle Editor Panel.