Once again, getting Panda 3D working with C++

Well I included that direcoty because the compiler was looking for Python.h and I didnt know any better then to search for it in Panda’s sources, found it there and included it. From what place shall I pull that one in then ?

Nevermind me … I didn’t see I had to set -I%PANDADIR%/python/include as well … Wouldn’t hurt to mention that though. I wonder, since the include directive says

#include <Python.h>

shouldn’t those paths, meaning

%PANDADIR%/include and

be set as additional system include paths by Panda’s installer ?

Well, I got it compiled now but the linker wishes to find python25.lib which it of course cannot find w/o pointing him the directions. There is such a file in


but if I point him there I get 4 pretty ugly looking error messages about unresolved external symbols. Looks like some lib link is missing that I do not know of. Did I miss some Tutorial on doing this ? I can’t find any hints about setting this up in the manual or am I blind ?