Cuboid Clone

to create a good level generator (for complex levels) i’d try to store the positions the block was upright, and prevent the generator from moving to positions at upright state where it already was upright. this could possibly increase complexity by preventing mutiple ways the level can be solved. (could also be that it doesnt change anything at all)

another, more complex method would be to first generate the level and later have a pathfinding mechanism that searches the fastest path. if it’s too short it can be discarded.

edit: i think when you reach the final position the tile and the block move a bit away in the x or y coodinate (while moving down).

edit2: after i’ve reached the end of the level (in the generated levels) i can still continue to move, together with the save function this gets a bit curious.

a skip function could be nice as well. if i know the solution but walked 3 times in a row wrong i can get fed up.

the levels i liked while playing:

great work :slight_smile: