Cuboid Clone

iiiit’s tuesday, and time for another update.
this time i want to introduce a new cuboid (say hello mr cuboid) which was made by Nemesis13 , it includes gloss ,spec, normal and diffusive textures. (since i havent added lights you dont see all its beauty but you can check it in pview, looks cool)
more contributions are highly welcome. especially a nice 3d background.

on the gameplay side we have green tiles, they break if you put the whole weight of the block on a single one of them. so be careful.
there also are a few new sounds for the new tiles.
unfortunately, the mapgenerator doesnt know about those new tiles yet.

the codeside didnt change much, thought it’s propably the last version i release before doing a code-cleanup. seperating files and stuff. i’m close to 600 lines now and this really starts to get neccessary.

for everyone who likes to add some levels manually. i found this nice youtube playlist which makes a perfect reference for writing your own levels.
i already added a few of them with the new type of tiles.

[EDIT] and if you know some suited CC-licensed background music. let me know about it :slight_smile: