my fps network game

Yes I did. I been wanting to strip all the code out and place it in many files, but everytime I get around to do it I get to saying it’s to much work for one user lol.

I do, but could you help me figure out why it’s broken on linux? Could you send me the patch that was sent to you so I can read it’s binary data for starters and thats werid… It tried to read the .zip right off the bat when it should’ve waited to till the end to read it. -patch. Just unzip it right in the main folder; it should replace and savedata.bin.

Checking Version
Sending Version data-> Bu
Version Check Number-> 0
Downloading UpDate
0/2 = 0%
1/2 = 50%
2/2 = 100%
Writing the zip file.
Reading the zip file.
Error 901

Not sure on this one. How much ram do you have on your system? Also, how much video ram do you have if you know.

Yea the buggyness you see for the stairs is caused by my weak collision sadly. Atm theres a collision ramp to help go up them, but at the same time it pushes you back down. Shooting collision works fine, so if you can find some people to play with, you’ll have a blast shooting each other lol. I keep server up all the time, so no worrys about it being down (I hope).