Panda 3d, PYPE, NetBeans IDE 6.8 confusion

Thanks, im stuck again.

I’ve done this:
"Download NetBeans IDE and install it. Start NetBeans. Select ‘Tools’->‘Python platforms’. Under Platforms (at the left of the screen) select ‘New’ A new browser window pops up, asking for an executable. Browse to your panda folder, for example C:\Panda3D-1.6.2\python and select python.exe

Now you have created a new platform you can use.

Now, create a new empty Python project."

my new project is called “NewPythonProject” But now I’m confused on this next part.

What do I do here?
"Then, under Projects, right click your project and select ‘Properties’ Under ‘Categories’, select Python. At the right, ‘Python platform’-> select your new platform.

Now you should be ready to compile your panda examples. "

What exactlly does Netbeean do?