ODE Middleware

Ah, that’s what I thought, just didn’t want to get into explaining without making sure :wink:.

I forgot to add…

self.objectType = "trigger"

…in the odeTrigger class. Put it right after:

class odeTrigger(staticObject):
	def __init__(self, map, model, name):
		staticObject.__init__(self, map)

Additionally, change the player’s setFly method to this:

def setFly(self, value, object, trigger):
		print "SET FLY", value
		if object is not self:
		if value:
			self.state = "fly"
			self.movementParent = base.cam
			self.state = "ground"
			self.movementParent = self.geom

And, AFAIR, that should be all.

On a side note, I’m not complaining about the need to post a few lines here, but why don’t you just download the fixed version? :wink:. Asking just out of curiosity :wink:.