Level editor from CMU

Like i sais I’m currently couchsurfing and need something thats really free to untar I’ve had something before that would but is 50 days then it dies unless u payware and I dont wanna leave my friend with something nonfunctional that is hard to get rid of and at least be able to put back so that the thing in windows that at least opens a zip would be useable again.

Also I noticed something in the editor documentation page that mentions the types of animated textures supported and in addition to the usual movie formats MPEG, AVI etc it nsays animated GIF… I didn’t think Panda supported GIF at all let alone GIF89 anim. 8 years ago I played with something called Flatland Rover that supported anigif and it was cool and easy to animate textures on objects. Egg texture cards never seemed to be what I was looking for as it just makes a square card and not applying to polys on a model like I was hoping for. Back in my Flatland days i had a whole underground complex scene with animated “Irwin Allen” style computer consoles and it was actually easy to do by applying anigifs as textures on simple block shapes.

Anyway I may spawn a new topic about my FoxyWorlds system I’m working on designing. GIF support would be SOOO cool/