Panda Bullet

The same way you would do it with any PandaNode: using setHpr, setMat or setQuat on the NodePath, or setting the thransform state on the node itself. Please note that only translation and orientation are supported, not shear or scale. This is a common limitation of all physics engine.

I don’t understand you here. Can you please elaborate a bit more?

Any help is certainly appreciated.

But I don’t want you to get frustrated after some time. This is still work in progress, and the API will change; for example the next release won’t have BulletMotionNode any longer (I want to make RigidBody a PandaNode), or the collision filtering will change (I want to make use of Panda3D’s from/into masks, if possible).

Currently I think the best way people could help is by playing around, asking questions, and making suggestions about what could be done differently.