Panda Bullet

The .pyd is a Windows 32bit DLL. It’s not usable on Linux. So far I provide - together with the source code - only Windows binaries.
Also the build script is Windows-only so far. There is a main script (SConstruc) which is platform-independent, and which loads a platform-dependent file for setting up the environment (e. g. SConscript.VC9). All you would have to do is add a script for your platform, and make sure it gets imported by the main script.

I didn’t try to compile on Linux so far. Might be there have to be some smaller changes to the code, but nothing serious.

Once the module is added to the P3D source code it will be compiled for all platforms automatically, so currently I don’t attempt to provide build scripts for Linux, Mac, etc.

I have no problem if you want to provide build script for waf. I haven’t used waf so far, and I’m not fixed on SCons. You will have to spend some time on the interrogate & interrogate_module calls, but I can provide help here.