ODE Middleware

Ok, great. :slight_smile:

Small contribution from me - a tagger for maya based on the maya object tagger script. Middle mouse this script to your shelf and click it with some objects selected to add the tag attribute. Ctrl-click to remove the attribute.

global proc copperOdeTagger()
	string $sel[] = `ls -sl`;
	for ( $i in $sel )
		string $attrName = "tagtype";

		// Modify this line as needed to add your own object types
		string $eggFlags = "none:solidBoxGeom:solidTriMeshGeom:playerPosition:alight:dlight:plight:fly_trigger";
		string $object = ( $i + "." + $attrName );
		// Command click removes the attribute, otherwise it is added
		int $mods = `getModifiers`;
		if ( ( $mods / 4 ) % 2 )
			if( `objExists $object` )
				deleteAttr -at $attrName $i;
			if( !`objExists $object` )
				addAttr -ln $attrName -k 1 -at "enum" -en $eggFlags $i;