Panda Bullet

And yet another version:

What’s new:

  • Built using Panda3D-2010.12.28-82 and Bullet r2260
  • Debug renderer: sphere shapes are now rendered as spheres, and not as diamonds like before.
  • Prevent nodes from getting flattened out.
  • BulletDebugNode: it’s no longer necessary to call hide/show after calling setVerbose.
  • Mass properties will be updated automatically after shapes are added/removed from a rigid body.
  • Classes derived from PandaNode have been renamed to reflect the inheritance, e. g. BulletGhost --> BulletGhostNode.
  • Optimized adding/removing of shape. No implicit btCompoundShape will be created if only one shape is added.
  • “Explosions” caused by “setPos” etc. being not applied right after creation of an object should no longer appear.