iPhone support?

I of course can’t speak for David, but I think so. I think if you want your Panda game to work on mobile devices right now, you have 2 options (as I see it):

  • Port Panda to the mobile OS you want your game to run on. This benefits the Panda community as a whole
  • Design/refactor your code so it isn’t completely reliant upon Panda, and write a backend for your game that uses some library (like PyGame + PyOpenGL, or some custom C\C++) that does work on the mobile OS you want your game to run on. This is the option I’m currently going with, as it’s easier for me, as I don’t know C++ to well (I also think it’s good OO practice to do this in general, but I digress…)

Neither option is particularly easy (the latter especially so if you’ve already written some code, but this wasn’t the case for me), but they’re both worth it, if you want your game to work on mobile devices.